Operations at https://tsapi.southhills.edu/Finance

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
balance/{studentNumber} GET Retrieves the student's existing balance. The due date is optional and will default to today.
chargedefinitions GET Retrieves charge definitions by ChargeType, ScopeType, pageIndex and pageSize.
chargedefinitions/{chargeDefinitionName} GET Retrieves a charge definition by name.
paymentdefinitions GET Retrieves payment definitions by PaymentType, page index and page size.
paymentdefinitions/{paymentDefinitionName} GET Retrieves a payment definition by name.
postadjustment/{studentNumber} POST Post an adjustment for student.
postcancellation/{studentNumber} POST Post a cancellation for student.
postcharge/{studentNumber} POST Post a charge for student.
postpayment/{studentNumber} POST Post a payment for student.
transactions GET Searches for transactions by student, TransactionType, As of DateTime (UTC), Page Size and Index are optional.
transactions/{studentNumber} GET Retrieves transactions by student, TransactionType, As of DateTime (UTC), Page Size and Index are optional.