Operations at https://tsapi.southhills.edu/Academics

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
academicadvisors GET Retrieves all available admission advisors.
academicstatuses GET Retrieves all academic statuses.
attendancepolicies GET Searches for attendance policies.
attendancepolicies/{name} GET Gets attendance policy by name.
courses GET Searches for available courses.
POST Creates a course.
courses/{courseCode}/{courseVersion} GET Gets course by course code and version.
POST Updates a course.
courseschedules GET Searches for course schedules.
courseschedules/callnumber/{callNumber}/dates GET Retrieves all course schedule dates for a course.
enrollments/{programStatus} GET Retrieves enrollment records for a student.
enrollmentstatuses GET Retrieves all program enrollment statuses.
gradebooks GET Searches for gradebooks.
gradebooks/{name} GET Gets gradebook by name.
gradedefinitions GET Searches for grade definitions.
gradedefinitions/{name} GET Gets grade definition by name.
graduationstatuses GET Retrieves all graduation statuses.
holdtypes GET Retrieves all available hold types.
registrations GET Searches for course registrations for all students.
registrationstatuses GET Retrieves all course registration statuses.
sapstatuses GET Retrieves all sap statuses.
sections GET Searches course sections by course code, section and section start date.
POST Creates a course section.
sections/{callNumber} GET Gets course section by call number
POST Updates a course section.
sessions GET Searches for sessions.
sessions/{name} GET Get session by name.
students POST Creates a student.
GET Retrieves a student by the student identifier.
students/{studentNumber} POST Updates a student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities GET Searches for activities for student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities/meetings POST Creates a meeting activity for student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities/meetings/{meetingId} GET Retrieves a meeting activity for student.
POST Updates a meeting activity for student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities/notes POST Creates a note activity for student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities/notes/{noteId} GET Retrieves a note activity for student.
POST Updates a note activity for a student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities/phonecalls POST Creates a phone call activity for student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities/phonecalls/{phoneCallId} GET Retrieves a phone call activity for student.
POST Updates a phone call activity for student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities/tasks POST Creates a task activity for student.
students/{studentNumber}/activities/tasks/{taskId} GET Retrieves a task activity for student.
POST Updates a task activity for student.
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments GET Gets Student enrollments record per Student
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments/ POST Creates an enrollment record for a student.
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments/{programCode} POST Updates an enrollment record for a student.
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments/{programCode}/registrations POST Retrieves a course registration for a student in a program.
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments/{programCode}/registrations/{callNumber}/attendance POST Marks attendance for a student in a specific course.
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments/{programCode}/registrations/{callNumber}/drop POST Drop or withdraws a student from a course registration in a program.
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments/{programCode}/registrations/{callNumber}/grade POST Generates a course grade for a student.
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments/{programCode}/registrations/{callNumber}/grade/items POST Marks a course gradebook item for a student.
students/{studentNumber}/enrollments/{programCode}/registrations/{callNumber}/reregister POST Reregisters a student from a dropped or withdrawn course registration.
students/{studentNumber}/holds POST Places a student on a hold.
students/{studentNumber}/registrations GET Searches for course registrations for a student.
students/{studentStatus} GET Retrieves a list of students by student status.
students/holds GET Searches for student holds.
studentstatuses GET Retrieves all student statuses.
terms GET Searches for terms.
terms/{name} GET Gets term by name.