Operations at https://tsapi.southhills.edu/Recruitment

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
activitycategories GET Searches for activity categories.
admissionadvisors GET Retrieves all available admission advisors.
admissionstages GET Get all active admission stage statuses.
applicationreasoncodes GET Get all application reason codes.
applications/{applicationStatus} GET Retrieves all applications by status.
applicationstatuses GET Get all active application statuses.
campaigns GET Retrieves all available campaigns.
campaigns/{campaign} GET Retrieves a campaign.
customfields GET Retrieves all available custom fields.
customfields/{fieldName} GET Retrieves a custom field.
deliverymodes GET Retrieves all available delivery modes.
deliverymodes/{deliveryMode} GET Retrieves a delivery mode.
externalinstitutions GET Searches for external institutions.
externalinstitutions/{code} GET Retrieves a external institution by code.
leadproviders GET Retrieves all available lead providers.
leadproviders/{leadProvider} GET Retrieves a lead provider.
leadsources GET Retrieves all available lead sources.
leadsources/{leadSource} GET Retrieves a lead source.
opportunitycustomfields GET Retrieves all available opportunity custom fields.
programs GET Retrieves all available program of interests.
programs/{program} GET Retrieves a program of interest.
prospectreasoncodes GET Retrieves all prospect reason codes.
prospects GET Searchs for a prospect by the ProspectId or Eid or Number or Primary Email or SSN.
POST Creates a prospect.
prospects/{prospectId} GET Retrieves a prospect by the ProspectId.
POST Updates a prospect.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities GET Searches for activites for prospect.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities/meetings POST Creates a meeting activity for a prospect. This methods will be deprecated in the next release please use the v2 method.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities/meetings/{meetingId} GET Retrieves a meeting activity for a prospect.
POST Updates a meeting activity for a prospect. This methods will be deprecated in the next release please use the v2 method.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities/notes POST Creates a note activity for a prospect. This methods will be deprecated in the next release please use the v2 method.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities/notes/{noteId} GET Retrieves a note activity for a prospect.
POST Updates a note activity for a prospect. This methods will be deprecated in the next release please use the v2 method.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities/phonecalls POST Creates a phone call activity for a prospect. This methods will be deprecated in the next release please use the v2 method.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities/phonecalls/{phoneCallId} GET Retrieves a phone call activity for a prospect.
POST Updates a phone call activity for a prospect. This methods will be deprecated in the next release please use the v2 method.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities/tasks POST Creates a task activity for a prospect. This methods will be deprecated in the next release please use the v2 method.
prospects/{prospectId}/activities/tasks/{taskId} GET Retrieves a task activity for a prospect.
POST Updates a task activity for a prospect. This methods will be deprecated in the next release please use the v2 method.
prospects/{prospectId}/applications POST Creates an application for a prospect.
GET Retrieves applications for a prospect.
prospects/{prospectId}/applications/{applicationId} POST Updates an application for a prospect.
prospects/{prospectId}/opportunities GET Retrtieves opportunities for a prospect.
POST Creates an opportunity for a prospect.
prospects/{prospectId}/opportunities/{opportunityId} GET Retrieves an opportunity for a prospect.
POST Updats an opportunity for a prospect.
prospects/{prospectId}/prioreducations GET Retrieves all prior educations for a prospect.
POST Creates a prior education for a prospect.
prospectstatuses GET Retrieves all active prospect statuses.
publishtestmessage POST Service at https://tsapi.southhills.edu/Recruitment/publishtestmessage
startterms GET Retrieves all available start terms.
v2/prospects/{prospectId}/activities/meetings POST Creates a meeting activity for a prospect.
v2/prospects/{prospectId}/activities/meetings/{meetingId} POST Updates a meeting activity for a prospect.
v2/prospects/{prospectId}/activities/notes POST Creates a note activity for a prospect.
v2/prospects/{prospectId}/activities/notes/{noteId} POST Updates a note activity for a prospect.
v2/prospects/{prospectId}/activities/phonecalls POST Creates a phone call activity for a prospect.
v2/prospects/{prospectId}/activities/phonecalls/{phoneCallId} POST Updates a phone call activity for a prospect.
v2/prospects/{prospectId}/activities/tasks POST Creates a task activity for a prospect.
v2/prospects/{prospectId}/activities/tasks/{taskId} POST Updates a task activity for a prospect.