Once you have registered with our partner program, you will be given all the information that you will need to access our API. Authentication happens when you post a request to our partner login API: POST http://topx.topschoollive.com/security/partnerlogin
If the login was successful, it will also return a collection of authentication packets, one for each institution that the user has permission to access. The security token is a part of the authentication packet which is returned in the response of the partner login request; please see the Appendix for more information about authentication packets. For all subsequent requests made to the API, the security token must be passed in the HTTP header. This security token validates authentication on every request to the API. Without it, no access to any of the API methods will be permitted. If there is multiple authentication packets returned as in the login response, select the security token associated with the appropriate institution. The name of the HTTP header which holds the token value is “TopSchoolSecurityToken” and is case sensitive.
TopSchoolSecurityToken: {Security Token}
Please click here to see the Authentication methods and samples.